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Formatting Arrays with Lodash

A get all items service task will return an array of item profiles. In this case, to format the values as you want is different to if you are returning a single item. In order to do this the .map method must be used.

Say the following lodash returns the following array

<%= %> 

  { name: "Bill", age: "30", amount: 50000 },
  { name: "Bob", age: "22", amount: 48152.51 },

You may prefer to work with an array with formatted values when filling a document or email. An array like this would be better:

  { name: "Bill", age: "30", amount: "50,000" },
  { name: "Bob", age: "22", amount: "48,152.51"},

To do this you would use the following lodash expression:

<%={name, age, amount}) => ({name, age, amount: amount?.toLocaleString("en-US")}) ) %> 

In the case above, because we only want to format the 'amount' property that is the only field to which we apply the .toLocalString method.